Swarovski ATC, ATS, BTXのレンズのそれぞれの明るさをチェックしました。
テスト日:2024年1月6日 日没時間16:44 風なし 快晴
I compared the brightness of the lens of the 3 models, Swarovski ATC, ATS and BTX at 30 magnification, around sunset time (16:44) by observing about backlit Common Snipes on 06/January/2024, no wind and fine weather.
I recorded the final time that I could see some stripes on its bellies of snipe near closed wings.
I could observe the tiny pattern of the snipe about 20m away,
until 17:12 for ATC,
until 17:17 for ATS,
until 17:25 for BTX.
ATCは対物レンズ56mmでズームという3機種の中では一番厳しい条件と思われましたが、日没後の約30分近くまで観察できたこと、そしてATS 80mm とATCの差がたったの5分であったことに驚きました。
ATC is a really satisfactory performance for me to watching bird behavior, to be able to "still see" of their active movements in the light conditions becoming increasingly hard and severe.
It seemed that it is disadvantage compared to ATS, as BTX has a monocular 65mm objective lens and the light is divided into bisection for the eyepiece lens. However BTX wins because it was mono-focal and there was less strain on the eyes, my prediction. The results were interesting for me.
Although identified by movement, size and silhouette (not by colour), I could see snipes at ATC until 45 minutes after sunset (around 17:30), and also see that some Long-billed Plovers had joined the snipe's flock,
At 17:30 it was almost completely dark. The end of birdwatching has to be decided by myself, not because the brightness of the optical equipment is unusable!
Vol.2/4でも書きましたが、今回の3機種を同時使用してみて、改めてそれぞれに明確な長所に気づくことができました。Swarovski オプティックは、それぞれの機種のコンセプトをしっかり定めて開発をしているのでしょう。
Thank you for all visitors this blog to read 4-part comparison of my 3 Swarovski telescope models. I hope it helps you!
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