
Japanese Crested Ibis in Sado Island  佐渡へトキに会いに行ってきました

I went to Sado Island in Niigata to see Japanese Crested Ibis with birding friends of mine from 8th to 11th Nov. Autumn, especially November as after rice field clopping completely and very safe before the first snowing, is the best season to watch Japanese Crested Ibis because it is very easy to find flocks. Also the Ibis has a perfect feather after molting.


トキ放鳥開始から10年 野生下で370羽に復活 病気への抵抗力など課題
2018/11/6付日本経済新聞 朝刊

In 2018, the number of the Ibis is 370 individuals in Sado. We could find easier than before. I want to tell many thanks for the people who made an efforts to reintroduce the bird in the sky of Sado.

Japanese Crested Ibises

I was very happy to see their smiling faces when they were watching such as the beautiful bird.








The amazing colour of salmon red on its wings. Japanese people call Toki-iro this colour, toki is Japanese name of this bird, iro means colour. Japanese recognized that this is a special colour that can not find any example besides the expression.




I would like to ask you to keep rules below when you watch the ibis, 
※ Rules on the observation of the Ibis(Ministry of the Environment)

☑️Watching from inside your car
☑️Keep distance for the nesting site in breeding season (Feb-Jun)
☑️Don't disturb farmer working
☑️No flash when you take a photo and keep silent while watching

Why don’t you visit Sado and enjoy the Japanese Crested Ibis after watching the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games?

Other birds in Sado we saw.
Eastern Buzzard

Yellow-throated Bunting

Other birds I looked below in Hokuriku area
I found an interesting goose in Niigata, Honshu Japan main island. The Bean goose in the flock of Greater White-fronted Goose is perhaps Anser fabalis serrirostris or A. f. fabalis. Please let me know if anybody knows!. 

シメ Hawfinches(In Toyama)

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