We published a paper in Strix Vol.37, the Journal of Field Ornithology Wild Bird Society of Japan, about the first record in summer of Ferruginous duck observed in Tochigi prefecture, central Japan. Special thanks for Chiaki Yoshii and Kohei Kojima for their efforts in collecting and writing materials while they were busy, also Asuko Sugimoto providing valuable the bird photos.
Title and name of the Journal below;
Chiaki Yoshii, Kohei Kojima, Asuko Sugimoto & Utaka Godo, 2020, The first observation record of the Ferruginous Duck Aythya nyroca in summer in the Kanto region, central Japan, Strix Vol. 37, pp101–106
Ferruginous Duck メジロガモ
吉井千晶・小島広平・杉元明日子・神戸宇孝 2021, 関東地方におけるメジロガモの夏の観察記録, 日本野鳥の会論文集 Strix Vol.37 pp.101–106,
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