
スワロフスキー双眼望遠鏡BTX, 大活躍! Hawk Migration in Mountainous Areas

I visited a place with birdwatching friends of mine to find a New Hawk Migration Watching Spot in mountainous areas, from 21st to 24th September. However, the first day was cloudy, so we went to waterside to look for Garganey in the flock of teals.


One of the friend was checking the surroundings and suddenly said, "Oh!!, an eagle is flying", so I thought it was a joke because of many black kite around there, but a golden eagle with white patches on its wings was flying.

Golden Eagle (juvenile or subadult)
I was surprised by the eagle that unexpectedly appeared in the environment where the sea and golf course could be seen from the young probably. 

The next day was sunny and I went to the "hope" point of hawk migration. A Peregrine Falcon was flying when we arrived. 

Peregrine Falcon

Oriental Honey-buzzard

On this day we observed a Mountain Hawk-Eagle perching on the trees, and there were only a few Oriental honey-buzzards crossing, but it was not the hawk migration as I expected.

A Mountain Hawk-Eagle was very far from us

The second day of “hawk waiting”, we had a nice sunny day again,  it seemed one of the best day for Migration in this Autumn, but and I watched only some Eastern Buzzards and  25 Oriental honey-buzzards through the observation. Besides it seems that Eastern Buzzards were flying around, and the migration seems to be only Oriental honey-buzzard. Almost all individuals passed through distant from us.

I enjoyed a lot of Chestnut Tigers the gap of hawk watching time.

Although it was continued for 2 days that we wondered the situation where this place was truly a migration route or not, on the final day more than 50 Oriental honey-buzzards had arrived one after another at only 9 o'clock.  "I was exactly waiting for this view!" 

After that it became quiet, but I was very happy to see many hawks were crossing over where I hope to come. The time was a very enjoyable time for me.

The Swarovski BTX (two on the left) which gave us a big success in this observation. BTX is wonderful for “Bird Watching”. Not only "I can know bird is  three-dimension", but also “the fun to observe” because we could look and check longer time than single eye telescoping.

A friend, who saw my BTX and ATS on my tripod, said,
"Usually it is normal on one tripod on telescope with, either video camera or one is digi-scoping to record. However you put  both of the two are telescopes for observation. It seems like Hiyokichi's  choice."

In May 2018, when I was looking at the surrounding environment and topography, I said them " It will be cool if hawks are flying over here" 

It was a poor plan of bird watching to visit there as I could not give them guarantee at all whether we could meet many birds of prey or not.

 I am sincerely grateful to my two friends who felt it would be fun even for such as the plan.



翌日は晴れて、タカの渡り“そうな” ポイントへ足を運びました。タカ渡り観察初日、午前中は晴れて、空をハヤブサが気持ち良さそうに飛んでおり、クマタカが樹に止まる姿や一桁の数ながらハチクマには渡りのような飛翔行動がありました。しかし、ハチクマは予想したルートを通らなかったうえに、期待していた “次々とタカがやってくるような渡りの風景” とはなりませんでした。



今回の観察で大活躍だったのは、なんと言ってもスワロフスキー双眼望遠鏡BTX。2台並んだのは、ひょっとして日本で初めてだったかもしれません。 それにしてもBTXは素晴らしいです。鳥が立体的に見えるうえに、両眼でずーっと覗いていられるので眼が楽ですし、とにかく観察が楽しくてしかたありません。楽々と望遠鏡で鳥を追い続けられる喜びがあります。姿が消える時が観察を終える時、と言っても誇張にはなりません。


「2台載せるとして、どちらかがデジスコかビデオの撮影にするのが普通なのに “2台とも観察用”ってのが、ヒヨ吉さんらしい選択だね」



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