
鳥類生息状況調査 The 5th Bird Survey


It was the first time for me to participate in a city bird survey which is conducted every ten years.  This is 5th survey, it means that bird records have been accumulated half a century.

26/May/2024 The time of Sunrise


The survey designed that it divided 500m squares within the city for recording all bird species and numbers on each route, also had to start the time of sunrise and finish before 10am. I kept some days for the research as I had several routes. I could not finish in one day. Although it was a very hard investigation for me, I was honored to be able to join it.


It will be more and more difficult to keep budgets because of the government's tight financial situation. However this is the inestimable value records as it shows common bird's changes over 50 years, which is very meaningful. 

I really wish that the survey will continue for the next 50 years (100 years in total!). 


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