
歩いても、歩いても More than 10km

I believe that the first step to seeing my target birds, which are still poorly recorded, is to walk and check every habitat where it prefer. However, the target bird is often not seen. For example, I walked all day more than 10km, on 8 and 14 Feb, around some places I had previously checked on map, but unable to see them.




But I could have some happy time because I met some fantastic birds. Someday I am looking forward to seeing my target birds, too!

トラツグミ White's Thrush

カシラダカ Rustic Buntings

モズ Bull-headed Shrike

オオタカ Northern Goshawk

ヒヨドリ Brown-eared Bulbul 

ツグミ Dusky Thrush

セグロセキレイ Japanese Wagtail

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