
Swarovski ATC Review and Field Test Vol.2/4

Swarovski ATC(以下ATC)と初代 ATS-HD 80mm(以下ATS)、BTX 65mm(以下BTX)を比べてみました。


I did a field test of the Swarovski ATC, comparing it to the first generation of my Swarovski ATS-HD 80 with 20-60x zoom eyepiece. The magnification, ATC has scale number 17, 25, 35, 40, and the 20-60x eyepiece for ATS has 20, 30, 40, 60. So I checked same magnification settings, 40x.  I compared the telescopes by looking at a Great Egret on the branch of tree in the park.

ATSには、今は販売終了している20-60xのズームアイピースを装着させてあります(現行ズームアイピースは20-50x)。各倍率目盛りが、ATCは17, 25, 35, 40、 ATS用ズームアイピースは20, 30, 40, 60なので、確実な同目盛設定ができる40xで、公園の池の枝に佇むダイサギ(下画面矢印)を見比べました。

The great egret at the arrow about 50m away

接眼レンズ直径がATCは30mmで、初代 ATS用ズームアイピースは24mmであるせいか、同倍率ではATCのほうが視界は広く見えました。ATCも解像度とコントラストに一切の不満はないのですが、ATSではダイサギの足指の鱗の枚数をしっかり数えることができましたので、解像度はやはりATS80mmが高いのでしょう。

The eyepiece diameter of the ATC is 30mm, and the first generation ATS zoom eyepiece is 24mm. So the ATC has a wider field of view at the same magnification. ATS wins in this case the resolution and contrast because of bigger objective lens, I could accurately count the number of scales on the great egret's toes.


ATC is extremely portable and much lighter than the ATS (in addition, ATS needs a heavier tripod to be stable good view!), also convenient when walking  more than 3km around a large pond  with my scope on a tripod, for example. Since I was less tired on the day for the ATC Field Test, I was able to spend more time observing 2 wintering Long-billed Dowitchers.


I am happy to have ATS and ATC both now because I can know both good points by field test on the same day and under the same conditions. It is clear that Swarovski Optik has developed each model based on a well-defined concept.

ATSとATCを同日同条件で使ってみて、それぞれの長所を感じました。Swarovski は、それぞれの機種のコンセプトをしっかり決めて開発をしていることが、よくわかりました。


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